Friday, September 19, 2008

WWJD about CI?

First one is Exodus 4:11 where it said that God created the Deaf and Dumb people. Dumb mean some Deaf people will never be able to speak properly. Not anything will be able to help them speak properly. Yes, not even cochlear implants will help Deaf and Dumb people to speak. If Deaf are able to speak, they are still deaf, thus will be never hear ever.

Second one and most important is Leviticus 19:14 which say clearly that God forbid anyone to curse the deaf. Curse mean to oppress, despise, look down, and put down. Oralism and Audism is wrong because it oppress deaf people.

Third one is Romans 8:28 and I Corinthians 12:18 which mean Deaf people are part of God's creation and his perfect plan. We are not a mistake. Evolution did not create us but God who love us very much.

Fourth one is Mark 7:33-34 where Jesus healed a deaf man. But understand the important point. He GESTURED to the deaf man before healing him. I believe Jesus views that deaf person as an equal, not inferior. He looked at him with respect instead of pity. He was asking for his permission! This happened ONLY ONCE in the Gospels. Jesus healed thousands of blind, crippled, sick people but the gospels recorded only ONE healing of a DEAF person. I believe Jesus set an example in how to handle a deaf person that is communicate with them through eyes & hands. Thus ASL.

Fifth one is Acts 2:6, 11; I Corinthians 14:10, 39 which refers to beauty of different languages. God said every languages are important and beautiful. Thus God created ASL and consider it perfectly proper for Deaf people to use.

Sixth one is John 9:2-3 and Romans 10:14-17, God stress on communicating with and understanding the person THAN healing and "implanting CI" on them. God prefers to present gospel to them THAN heal.

Seventh one is Leviticus 21:17-21 where there are 12 physical deformations listed that will disqualify the person from being a high priest. High priest picture Jesus Christ so he must be perfect. Deafness is not on the list! Why? God do not view us as phsical handicap but social handicap that is communication problem, otherwise, we are perfectly normal. Angel made Zacharias mute but he was allowed to conduct services for days. Luke 1:22-23.

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